About me

Meanwhile in Paradise…

… is a personal blog. My name is Irina and I’m a Finland-Swede currently living in Stockholm. This site is a way to keep in touch with my friends and family in Finland and the rest of the world. I write about my everyday, my philosophy of life, and about what happens when those two meet, with me right in the middle.

Besides staying connected, this blog also helps me practice my English and serves as a digital diary — a place to capture memories and thoughts I can look back on later. And last but not least, it’s an opportunity to inspire and entertain, and maybe sprinkle a little bit of magic into the lives of those who stumble upon this corner of the interwebs.

What does the blog name mean?

Meanwhile in paradise has a special meaning to people who know me. I and most of my friends live in places with “real” winters. So, whenever I’m basking in the sunshine surrounded by palm trees and exotic animals in Florida, I can’t resist sending them updates with the phrase “meanwhile in paradise…” It’s just my little way of reminding us all that there’s a warm and wonderful world out there, beyond the cold and the snow.