End of winter

Getting closer and closer to the good life… The waistline is still a work in progress but it’s not bothering me at all. I’m determined to do this the easy, pleasant way and I know from experience, as soon as the spring sun hits my face I’ll be bouncing around like an Energizer Bunny with zero interest in junk food. My body responds really well to that and results will follow.

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours at Preston Hair and left feeling all brand new. The color is perfect and I had a super soothing scalp massage that almost put me to sleep. 😋

My favorite shampoos and a hair mask were delivered the same day and I also bought new ear buds for power walk music. I really enjoyed Sony’s previous model and these XM5 buds are even smaller and lighter. It’s very important to find suitable tips, though. The original ones are worthless, so I always switch to Comply tips. These TrueGrips are ok, Sport Pro are even better. Need to buy those.

Oh, I’m sooo impatient to take up my long power walks. I like to walk for at least an hour without having to stop. Made an attempt today but it gets too cold. And wearing a thick winter jacket and winter shoes isn’t my cup of tea either. C’mon spring, come ooon!


Skeppsholmen, a small island full of museums
Meanwhile, I’ve revived my old habit of dancing in front of the mirror in the morning. It’s a great way to kick off a new day.

Dua Lipa – Houdini

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