Movie night

Haha, guess what happened. I got sick. On Monday I was so exhausted I could hardly walk to the bathroom. Slept the whole day away. On Tuesday my muscles were so sore it was almost impossible to find a good sleeping position at night. Got a few hours of sleep but woke up on Wednesday… and wasn’t tired anymore. The muscle ache was almost gone too. Another day later I was completely back to normal (except for some coughing) and, here’s the best part, I’ve lost almost two kg (4 lbs). So, now I’m even closer to my goal. 😄

Since I’m spending so many hours indoors right now, I can finally catch up on some movies on my to watch-list. I haven’t really had time (or patience) for anything longer than tv-series this year.

Movie posters 2023

I think I’ll start with Indiana Jones. Hopefully it’s as good as the one with Sean Connery. Speaking of that… I need to re-watch all the James Bond movies. All the ones up until Daniel Craig were really good. Then everything turned dark and depressing. That’s not at all what I want to fill my screen with. The light, elegant, playful mood of the earlier movies is more my thing.

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