It’s beginning to look like…

Last week in Stockholm. Did a little last minute shopping for some important essentials to bring along to Finland. I’m usually spending the holidays there, celebrating with my friends and family.

I’ve been looking for new nude eye shadows and decided to try Charlotte Tilbury’s Luxury Palette in the shade The Sophisticate. It lacks a light shimmer for the center of the eye lid but the rest of what I need is there. The pigment is good and blends well.

Also got a sample of the famous Pillow Talk-lipstick that supposedly is perfect for “everyone”. Unfortunately that shade is too warm for me and I also don’t like the formula. YSL, NARS and my other favorites feel much more comfortable on the lips. But I’m glad I can now delete it from my list of makeup to test. It’s veeery long, and getting longer all the time.

By the way, brands are way more stingy with samples here in the Nordic countries. In the US you get showered with them, no questions asked. Which makes sense, I’ve found almost all of my go-to favorites thanks to samples. It’s a smart and effective strategy for a brand to sell more. But over here it’s like pulling teeth. Staff almost never include samples unless you ask. And when you do, their first reaction is always “I’m not sure if we have any…”. Then they half-heartedly rummage around in some drawers and, seemingly surprised by it not being completely empty, pull out something to give you. Usually not what you asked for, but still something. Can’t wait to live in country that is better at capitalism!

Movie night

Haha, guess what happened. I got sick. On Monday I was so exhausted I could hardly walk to the bathroom. Slept the whole day away. On Tuesday my muscles were so sore it was almost impossible to find a good sleeping position at night. Got a few hours of sleep but woke up on Wednesday… and wasn’t tired anymore. The muscle ache was almost gone too. Another day later I was completely back to normal (except for some coughing) and, here’s the best part, I’ve lost almost two kg (4 lbs). So, now I’m even closer to my goal. 😄

Since I’m spending so many hours indoors right now, I can finally catch up on some movies on my to watch-list. I haven’t really had time (or patience) for anything longer than tv-series this year.

Movie posters 2023

I think I’ll start with Indiana Jones. Hopefully it’s as good as the one with Sean Connery. Speaking of that… I need to re-watch all the James Bond movies. All the ones up until Daniel Craig were really good. Then everything turned dark and depressing. That’s not at all what I want to fill my screen with. The light, elegant, playful mood of the earlier movies is more my thing.