The perfect nude – part 2

The other day, my wandering eyes landed on Clinique’s lipstick lineup. After swatching a stick with the promising name Nude Pop, my hopes of finding a worthy replacement for Beige Tribute were rekindled… until I was told that Nude Pop is discontinued as well. Seriously?! Determined to try it anyway, I managed to find it in an online store, and now it’s finally on my lips for testing.

Clinique Pop Lip Colour + Primer 01 Nude Pop and YSL Rouge Pur Couture 10 Beige Tribute

Clinique Pop Lip Colour + Primer :: 01 Nude Pop 💋 YSL Rouge Pur Couture :: 10 Beige Tribute
Well, it’s a bit more pink and glossy, but still usable. What I’m not particularly fond of is how it feels. It’s stickier and less creamy than YSL, and it also seems to dry out my lips a little. So, the hunt continues, especially now that I’ve discovered YSL has released some new nude shades in their Rouge Pur Couture collection.

An expected April surprise

I’ve been working four days in a row now (to me, that’s an eternity). All that time, it was beautiful spring weather outside, and I couldn’t wait to finally take a long power walk. Today: a major snow storm! This happens every year so the shock isn’t too severe. But still… 😤

Comic about someone celebrating spring and then having snow up to their eyeballs

Well, it’s supposed to be 17 °C next week — that’s practically summer by Nordic standards! Until then I’ll be enjoying indoor spring flowers and indulging in some semi-healthy food.

In other news: my parents just told me they encountered a large, furry fox in their garden. Yay! That’s probably one of the fox cubs I played with last fall. Yes, they’re wild animals, but the one I met behaved just like a dog. He was super curious, and when I ran around the house corner, he chased after me. Sooo cute! 🧡 Hopefully we can play some more next time I visit.